Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Books to help you through Breast Cancer

When I was first diagnosed with breast cancer I did extensive online research and read every book about breast cancer that I could get my hands on. Some books were more helpful than others and I would recommend them to anyone who has ever been diagnosed with breast cancer.

In addition to late-night Google searches, the following four books supplied me with the facts I needed to help make informed decisions throughout my breast cancer treatment. Probably the most important one is Dr. Susan Love's Breast Book. This reference book is an encyclopedia of information that you will want to keep forever.

The next reference book that was a big help to me is Breast Cancer for Dummies. This easy-to-read book uses a direct approach to feed you factual information. If you're in denial this book will help set you straight.

Another book I found helpful is Breast Cancer Survival Manual: A Step-by-Step Guide for the Woman With Newly Diagnosed Breast Cancer.

And finally, After Breast Cancer: A Common-Sense Guide to Life After Treatment is very important because after the surgery, the chemotherapy, and the radiation your life will change. This book will help you through those changes.

If you can only afford one right now, I would start with Dr. Love's book. Your local library may also have a copy.

To make it easy for you, I've included direct links to, because they have the cheapest prices I've found.

Dr. Susan Love's Breast Book (A Merloyd Lawrence Book)

Breast Cancer For Dummies

The Breast Cancer Survival Manual, Fifth Edition: A Step-by-Step Guide for Women with Newly Diagnosed Breast Cancer

After Breast Cancer: A Common-Sense Guide to Life After Treatment